
A dental emergency is traditional to treat a patient who is in pain or if there is an aesthetic concern that cannot wait.

What kind of emergency is your emergency?

For example, a patient may only want a tooth evaluated at that time and no work performed that day. If that is the case we will set aside a 15 minute consultation time with you and the dentist.

We also have patients who additionally to having their initial concern assessed want an examination as well to know if there are any other concerns. In this case, the appointment would be 30 to 45 minutes, it is also possible to schedule this visit with one of our hygienists.

The final type is the patient who would like to know everything about their oral health, with a complete exam, reporting all findings, so we can develop a long term vision plan. At this time we would perform a cleaning as well to determine the best possible plan for you. The appointment would traditionally be 1 hour to an hour and a half. Depending on the condition of your mouth we may or may not have to have you return for a second cleaning or a consultation visit where we more in detail discuss your treatment plan.